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Monday, December 19, 2016

Sign Up for the BOSSA App for Spring 2017

After much piloting, the new easy-to-use BOSSA App is ready for instructors and their students to use in Spring 2017!

We have been working closely with section coordinators and instructors to schedule BOSSA sessions. However, individual instructors from multi-section courses may request BOSSA App delivery format.

The BOSSA App takes care of students’ recording for you. Then, the session continues as usual, with students listening to their recordings, reflecting, and discussing in pairs and in group. You will see how practice and training fit together in the new BOSSA App, preparing students to be ready for the final, all-important piece: the self-assessment questionnaire.

Interested in using this delivery option with an existing BOSSA reservation? Please email bossa@umn.edu.

Language Center Survey - Win a $20 Giftcard!

The Professional Development Peer Team and Language Center invite you to provide us with your feedback on our Fall 2016 events and to help us plan for Spring 2017 through an online survey.

The deadline to complete the survey is Wednesday, January 11, 2017. You may provide an email address to be entered into a drawing for a $20 Target Giftcard. All responses are anonymous, and responses are not linked to emails provided. The winner will be announced on ElsieTalk on Monday, January 23.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Language Center Computer Classrooms: Planning for Spring 2017

Language instructors, are you planning your courses for Spring semester? The Language Center Classroom Support Team would like to provide you with the best possible experience when using Language Center classrooms.

Please let us know if you are planning an activity that you'll be doing for the first time (or haven't done in a long while) so we can ensure that the software or web plugin that's needed is available. If you're unfamiliar with the DiLL or some other software, contact us and we can give you training and time to practice before your class meets.

Please contact Adolfo Carrillo Cabello, our Classroom Support Coordinator, at carri093@umn.edu to learn more.

PACE Open Conversation: Understanding course evaluations as public documents

Thursday, December 15, 2016
2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Jones 35

After several years of requests from the Minnesota Student Organization, the University of Minnesota agreed in 2014 to release data from student course evaluations to the public. These include the more general student responses to courses regarding understanding of content, successful use of educational technology, clear grading standards, stimulation of interest, and recommendation of the course to others. The Minnesota Daily summarized the results on November 16, 2016.

In light of this information, the PACE Project will hold an open conversation to reflect on how best to interpret and utilize student course evaluations. Faculty, supervisors, and course instructors from all language departments are invited to share their reactions to the release of this data, and also to consider ways in which we can use student evaluations as a tool to aid in the tasks of course design and professional development.

Anita Gonzalez, Center for Educational Innovation


Angela Bowlus, Assistant Director of Advising, CLA Undergraduate Education 
Helena Ruf, Director of Language Instruction, Department of German, Scandinavian, and Dutch
Mandy Menke, Director of Language Instruction, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Frances Matos-Schultz, Coordinator of Spanish 1022, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

The PACE Project is funded by a grant from The Language Flagship.

PACE Open Hours: Experience the BOSSA App

Thursday, December 15, 2016
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Jones 35

As you gear up for the Spring semester, the PACE Project team invites you to experience the new BOSSA app (formerly known as the one-touch delivery system). The App allows for integrated, timed recordings, which significantly reduces the burden on instructors. A few instructors kindly piloted the app this semester and report that the ease of delivery allows them more time to focus on pair and group discussions.

Using the app, BOSSA delivery is easy ... all you do is direct your students to wait or go ahead a couple of times, and the rest of it– recording and all!– is done for you. Now that we've worked out a few bugs in the program, it's time to invite everyone to try it out.

Join us and experience it first-hand! If you like it, you can sign up for this easy new delivery format for your Spring sessions!

Take some time from your busy schedule and come and explore the new BOSSA app. Coffee will be served.

The PACE Project is funded by a grant from The Language Flagship.

TandemPlus Finals Study Jam

Wednesday, December 7, 2016
5:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Armory 202

The end of fall semester is nearly here, with finals week just around the corner. To ease the tension and provide a lively space to cram for projects and exams, TandemPlus is putting on an end-of-semester study jam for all participants. Bring yourself and your partner, along with all of your study materials and together we'll put our noses to the grindstone to prepare for finals! Coffee, tea, pizza, cookies, and doughnuts will be served as refreshments to keep you going throughout the evening.