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Monday, March 21, 2016

CARLA Technology Workshops Spring, 2016

The CARLA Technology Project is offering two workshops this spring: first, a workshop looking at the presentational mode through apps and storytelling and second, a workshop focused on using technology for the interpretive mode. The workshops are paired, but you do not have to take one in order to take the other.

Workshop 1: Personal, Engaging, Portable: Multimedia and Digital Stories in the World Language Classroom

Saturday, April 2, 2016
9:00 - 12:00 p.m.
Jones 35, or remotely (online)

Sharon and Stacey will be "beaming in" to guide participants in the use of applications for multimedia production to foster learner engagement and personalized, creative language use. The workshop begins with a discussion of participants' goals for and concerns about multimedia projects in the curriculum. The presenters will then introduce several categories of production apps, including audio recording, video editing, and interactive whiteboards, and elicit ideas for using these in the classroom. Participants who have access to mobile devices, Chromebooks, laptops, or desktops at their location will have the opportunity to experiment a bit with these apps and ask questions.

Because projects involving digital storytelling can be particularly effective at engaging student interest, part of the workshop will focus on this form of multimedia production. The presenters will briefly review the principles of digital storytelling and discuss modifications to meet instructional goals. They will also introduce resources for finding the rights-free images and music often needed for these and other multimedia projects. Participants will then have the opportunity to create digital storytelling projects for their own courses. Sharing their work, the participants will discuss support needs and evaluation rubrics. A 'virtual handout' with instructions for using the recommended apps, sample activities, and links to digital storytelling sites will be available.

NOTE: The presenters will be virtual for this workshop, but if you are attending at the University of MN, you will have face-to-face discussions and hands-on help.

Sharon Scinicariello (Ph.D., UNC-Chapel Hill) is the Director of the Global Studio and a faculty member in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Richmond. Her interests include video in instruction, mobile-assisted language learning, task-based learning, and self-directed language learning.
Stacey L. Powell (M.A., Auburn University) is the Director of the Foreign Language Multimedia Center and a member of the Instructional Technology Team for the College of Liberal Arts at Auburn University. She taught Spanish for just over 20 years in the face-to-face classroom and has six years' experience developing and teaching online courses. Her interests include instructional technologies, mobile-assisted language learning, distance learning, and faculty training and development.

On-Site facilitators: Marlene Johnshoy, Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA); Adolfo Carrillo Cabello, CLA Language Center
Workshop 2: Engaging Students with Language Learning through Technology: Focus on the Interpretive Mode

Saturday, April 30, 2016
9:00 - 12:00 p.m.
Jones 35, or via your computer

Today, authentic materials of all kinds (text, audio, video, infographics, images) that can complement our textbooks are readily available online, but most of them are not constructed with language learners in mind. How do we help our students work with and understand these materials? What kinds of tasks can we create that engage our students and pave the way for them to comprehend and learn from these materials? How can technology help us do this?

We will talk about some of the pedagogy behind engagement with texts (Interpretive Mode), and then we'll show you some of our favorite tech tools. We would also like to know what you are doing to guide students through online materials. You will have opportunities for sharing your materials as well as for creating interpretive activities in the workshop. Bring an example of an interpretive activity that you have created and some ideas for text engagement that you'd like to create.

Marlene Johnshoy is the Online Education Program director and web manager for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition. She has given numerous workshops on many aspects of web-based language teaching and learning.

Dan Soneson is the director of the Language Center in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota. He is currently the managing editor of the IALLT Journal for Language Learning Technologies, and has been a leader in language learning and technology for over 20 years.
Register Now!
These workshops are appropriate for foreign language and ESL teachers at all levels. The workshops are offered separately-participants can take one or both workshops.
  • Cost: $30 per workshop (or $50 for two workshops).
  • *Location: There are two options offered for this workshop:
  • Face-to-face: Workshop will be held in room 35 in Jones Hall located at 27 Pleasant Street SE. Hourly parking ($3/hour) is available nearby in the Church St. Garage.
  • Virtual/synchronous: Limited spaces are available for teachers to participate using their computer at the same time as the face-to-face option. See details for virtual participation.
  • Registration is online only and requires a credit card. The registration fee is nonrefundable.

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