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Monday, April 9, 2018

Summer at the Language Center: Use our space in new and creative ways!

The Language Center is open for business over May and Summer Session. Our hours are somewhat more limited to reflect the decreased number of classes in session, but our professional and student staff will be here and ready to help!

Computer classrooms: Jones 10, 15, 30 and 35

Bringing your intensive summer class to a technology classroom breaks up and adds diversity to a long day for students (and instructors). We would be pleased to make a recurring reservation for you, or discuss the possibility of having your class meet in Jones as its regular classroom.

It’s not necessary to create new instructional material to use in the classroom; existing lessons can easily be adapted to incorporate technology, and we can help with this.
  • Pair/Group work: The DiLL makes it easy to ensure that all students are communicating, and that pairs/groups are not always the same. You can reform pairs and groups as often as you’d like. The software can also help you to easily deploy and manage conversational tasks to promote interpersonal communication skills. 
  • Authentic media integration: Through the DiLL system, instructors can easily send text, audio, and video materials from files or online. 
  • Assessment: Whether oral or written, our classrooms offer software that facilitate the evaluation of language production in a secure environment. For example, you can manage individual oral responses with the DiLL system, or conduct oral exchanges. Furthermore, our classrooms can provide a secure testing environment with the integration of Proctorio in Canvas. We’ll be happy to explore assessment options for your courses. 
Contact Adolfo Carrillo Cabello at carri093@umn.edu for ideas on adapting an existing lesson to include classroom technology.

Multimedia Lab: Jones 135
Over the summer the lab is open for general student use, and it’s a great location for students to work or meet up before or after class. We will also host special events or viewings upon request, including international TV programming, films, student cultural events, and are open to receiving creative event ideas and proposals.

Contact elsie@umn.edu to request an event at the Multimedia Lab or to discuss the possibility of breaking up the day by having part of a class meet in the more informal lab setting.


The summer Tandem program is smaller than in fall and spring, but remains vibrant. Students can register at tandem.umn.edu beginning June 11, 2018, to find a language and conversation exchange partner. In addition to a face-to-face matching program, Tandem often co-hosts cultural events for students.

Contact tandem@umn.edu to propose a student event or activity.

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