Thursday, February 25, 2016
2:30-4:30 p.m. (Program begins at 3:00 p.m.)
Memorial Hall, McNamara Alumni Center
RSVP online
Congratulations to Catherine (Kate) Clements, CLA Language Center Language Exchange and Learning Spaces Specialist, who has been selected for a CLA Outstanding Service award for her work in 2014-2015.
Kate coordinates the vibrant TandemPlus program. She is responsible for all aspects of the program from recruiting internal participants and finding partners abroad, to counseling students about their individual partnerships, event planning, and collaborating with partnering schools. She also manages Jones 135, the walk-in multimedia lab that serves more than 3000 undergraduate language students who need access to language-learning technology.
In 2014-2015 Kate spearheaded the transformation of TandemPlus into a student group, which has given students more ownership in the program and provides leadership opportunities for the diverse student board. Through her efforts the program has grown to reach more than 1,000 students learning more than 20 languages per year. Under Kate’s leadership the number of international class-to-class telecollaborations grew to include partnerships with universities in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Venezuela and Mexico, and a telecollaboration with a university in Cuba is in the works for Fall 2016.
Please join in congratulating Kate and the other Outstanding Service Award recipients, which includes two representatives from German, Scandinavian & Dutch: Cathy Parlin and Virginia (Ginny) Steinhagen, as well as Anna Brailovski from Research and Graduate Programs. While Anna does not work with language programs directly, she is a valued partner for the Language Center and language departments engaging in research or developing grant proposals.
1 comment:
Congratulations Kate!
- Rhonda Petree
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