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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Center for Educational Innovation (CEI) Welcome Week Events

CEI is hosting the following workshops between August 29 and 30, 2018 that are of potential interest to language instructors. Please register for the workshops you are able to attend.

Thursday, August 29, 2018:

Friday, August 30, 2018:

Campus-Wide Canvas Clinics for Faculty and Instructors

Thursday, August 29, 2018
Friday, August 30, 2018
12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Humphrey 50B or St. Paul Student Center 4

The Canvas Clinic is an opportunity for faculty and instructors to get hands-on support and consultation as they work on Canvas or Moodle course sites. Staff from Information Technology (IT), academic technologists from across campus, and TeachingSupport@UMN will be on hand to help with back-to-school good practice tasks and planning assistance for fall semester. Topics include setting up course sites, activities and resources, how to teach with online course sites, and leveraging tools such as Lynda.com and course reserves. In addition, there will be staff available to answer questions you have about the Canvas transition.

No registration is required and the clinic is free of charge. Stop in anytime during the clinic hours to get help.

TandemPlus Class-to-Class Exchanges

If you have been thinking about setting up a class-to-class exchange for your course this fall, but haven't yet, please contact Beth Kautz this week at tandem@umn.edu. She is happy to assist you!

Changes and Innovations at the Language Center

Welcome back to the Language Center! We’ve been busy over the summer! Please note the following changes and innovations to our online and physical presence:
  • We have a new website! The new site is in the standard Drupal format and features more and better organized content for students. It still contains all the frequently used pages from the old site, like the reservation request form and the room calendar. We will continue to update the site as the semester progresses and welcome your feedback. 
  • There is also a new site for TandemPlus at tandemplus.umn.edu. It includes more resources for students and interactive features.
  • LC Elevator is now the home for foreign language films for university language programs. Streaming content and information about films that can be checked out are now in one convenient location.
  • The four Jones Hall classrooms were renovated and now include newer data projection systems. In addition, Jones 35 features new video recording and web conferencing equipment. 
  • We are now supporting a pilot inter-system exchange for languages between the Twin Cities and Morris campuses.

September 2018 Language Center Events

As you prepare for a busy semester, please take a moment to stop by the newly renovated Jones 35 where the Language Center is sponsoring or co-sponsoring a variety of September events. These events are open to everyone, and refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

LC Elevator: A new home for foreign language films

The Language Center and LATIS are pleased to announce that LC Elevator is now the home for foreign language films used by CLA language programs. At the newly renovated LC Elevator, you’ll find:
  • Online streaming of over 1000 films
  • Information about over 3000 films available for checkout
  • Some instructional materials, many with supporting documents
  • A small collection of authentic printed materials
  • All of this in one convenient location

The Language Center is now responsible for:
  • New digitization requests for foreign language films for instructional purposes
  • Reservation and check out of all physical media (e.g. DVD) in the Language Center collection
Some restrictions may apply.

Foreign language streaming media that was previously found at the DCL can now be found at LC Elevator. Older DCL links will work through the academic year, but instructors are encouraged to begin replacing them with direct LC Elevator links.

The DCL is still open for business, and contains over 300,000 items, but has refocused on teaching and research collections.

The Language Center would like to thank Denne Wesolowski from the DCL for his work supporting language departments over the years, Colin McFadden from LATIS who made the migration as seamless as possible, and Rachel Cagle (formerly Faynik Marbell) who returned to the Language Center in August to prepare the collection for the new academic year.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Summary of Language Center September 2018 Events

BOSSA Training Open Hours

Thursday, September 6, 2018
2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Jones 35

Friday, September 7, 2018
10:00 - 12:00 p.m.
Jones 35

As you gear up for the Fall semester, we invite you to join us at one of our BOSSA Open Hours to socialize with new and current users and to have your questions answered. Get a behind-the-scenes perspective on self-assessment and experience using the speaking self-assessment protocol. One-on-one training will be offered. During training, you will become familiar or reacquainted with all the pieces of the BOSSA protocol, and how they fit together. In addition, training will cover how students record and listen to their recordings, and how instructors can go about conducting the pair and group discussions which prepare students for the final, all-important piece: the self-assessment questionnaire.

Mark your calendars for the BOSSA Open Hours, and come share experiences with other users in an informal setting. Coffee will be served.

Congratulations to Anna and Evyn!

On August 11, 2018, Anna Sisombat, Language Testing Assessment Administrator, married Evyn Kyle Hubbard, Sports Coordinator for the City of Bloomington, at the PNA Hall in NE Minneapolis. Anna and Evyn met through mutual friends while attending Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall, Minnesota.

LATIS TEL and Language Center Canvas Clinics

Friday, September 14, 2018
10:30 - 12:00 p.m.
Jones 35

Tuesday, September 18, 2018
2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Jones 35

Have Canvas questions? Need help exploring integration of Canvas features? Whether struggling or just looking for ways to improve your Canvas course, we can help! The LATIS Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Team and the Language Center invite you to drop in to get one-on-one help during the Canvas Clinics. TEL team members and Language Center staff will be available to answer your questions related to:
  • Canvas general setup 
  • Canvas Gradebook 
  • Canvas features and transition information
  • Universal design and your Canvas site
To help us prepare for your visit and to secure a time, please complete this short form.

If you would like to submit a request for special assistance, please email Adolfo Carrillo Cabello at carri093@umn.edu.
All instructors are welcome! Refreshments will be provided. Hope to see many of you!

Monday, August 6, 2018

CARLA Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum Publication

CARLA has published a volume titled Developing Responsible Global Citizenship Through Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC): Selected Papers from the 2016 CLAC Conference, which is available in print and online.

The essays in this collection are based on presentations given at the Tenth Conference on Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum held in October 2016. The essays represent a broad variety of approaches and facets that illustrate the inherently flexible nature of CLAC's main principle of promoting transformational learning through the integration of content, language, and culture. This is the first printed volume based on presentations given at one of the conferences.

This volume was edited by Dan Soneson, Director of the Language Center, and Caleb Zilmer, a CEHD graduate student, both of whom also contributed to the content.

Dan and Caleb unveiled the CLAC Materials Clearinghouse at the October 2016 conference. This Clearinghouse, hosted on the CARLA website, is a curated collection of materials used in CLAC programs around the country. Dan is the editor of the CLAC Materials Clearinghouse, and Caleb is also a member of the Clearinghouse Advisory Board.

Multimedia Lab on Late Summer Break

On Friday, August 10, 2018, the Multimedia Lab Jones 135 will close for a late summer break. On that last day of lab access, student services will be offered in Jones 15 instead of Jones 135 due to a renovation project. Jones 135 will reopen on September 4, 2018 when classes resume.

Languages Bring Minneapolis and Morris a Little Closer

At the University of Minnesota, students learn a wide variety of world languages, and some of these languages are taught remotely by instructors from across the country. Technology allows people to communicate in multiple languages around the globe. Beginning fall 2018, it will also be used to bridge the three-hour divide between Minneapolis and Morris.

For over a decade, the Twin Cities (TC) campus has been an active participant in the Big Ten Academic Alliance CourseShare program, which uses technology to send and receive less commonly taught language and culture courses with partner institutions in the Big Ten. This program provides students with access to courses they need for their academic and career goals, and connects them with students and scholars across the country. It also brings research universities closer together through resource sharing and collaboration.

In 2017, University of Minnesota language department faculty and coordinators began to explore the possibility of applying the concept of language course sharing to the University of Minnesota system. A model for a system-wide campus language exchange exists at the University of Wisconsin, which has been home to the Collaborative Language Program since 1998. The coordinator, Lauren Rosen, was very generous with her time and expertise, and met online and in person with Minnesota representatives several times to discuss how to launch and sustain such a program.

TC and Morris faculty identified a student need: Morris offers students a beginning Latin sequence, but students cannot currently continue to the intermediate level through traditional coursework. The TC Classical and Near Eastern Studies department (CNES) offers an intermediate Latin sequence (one semester of prose, and one of poetry) each year. Enrollment in these courses is healthy, but there is potential for more growth. Providing access to this course to Morris Latin students would allow interested students to continue beyond the first year and bring more diversity to the CNES course.

TC Latin Coordinator Stephen Smith worked with Morris Professor Lisa Bevevino to arrange for a pilot exchange of one section Intermediate Latin Prose during the fall semester of 2018-2019 academic year to be followed by Intermediate Latin Poetry in the spring. In the spring of 2018, registration for the fall 2018 course opened for Morris students. The original plan was to pilot an exchange exclusively with these Latin courses. However, when a flier advertising the TC American Indian Studies Dakota curriculum reached the Morris campus this summer, administrators wondered if offering the Beginning Dakota sequence to Morris students could enrich the offerings of their Native American and Indigenous Studies department, and meet an identified need for some students. And so, the pilot exchange program quickly expanded to include two courses for fall 2018.

Students at Morris register for these two courses as they would any course at their home institution, and the TC instructors, Stephen Smith (Latin) and Wayne (Joe) Bendickson (Dakota) appear as the instructor of record. The program is being supported on both campuses by the academic departments, IT departments and Registrars offices, and coordinated by the Language Center, which is also responsible for administering CourseShare.

The Latin and Dakota courses are being taught in newly renovated video conferencing classrooms, which feature cameras that automatically track anyone who speaks and ceiling array microphones. The Morris students will meet in a room with compatible technology. The goal will be to provide a unified experience for all students and the feeling of learning together in the same space.

The success of the pilot will be assessed at the completion of the fall 2018 courses. The program though has already begun increasing communication and collaboration between the two campuses, as well as sparking technical innovation.