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Monday, July 30, 2018

CLA Discover Canvas Workshops in August

Learn to use Canvas online! Each of the following four-day blended workshops options cover a different topic in Canvas. Participants will spend up to one hour per day completing online activities and attend a one-hour online session in WebEx. Please register in advance for one or all of these workshops.
  • August 6 - 9, 2018: Make, Design and Navigation Decisions. Become familiar with the Canvas interface, learn about Canvas design considerations that make courses easier for students to use and navigate, and plan your own course design. 
  • August 13 - 16, 2019: Create & Organize Content & Assessments. Gain experience creating course content, including pages, quizzes, forums, and assignments, and learn to organize and deliver course content through Canvas modules. 
  • August 20 - 23, 2018: Assess Student Progress. Learn about the Canvas gradebook interface and experience how Speedgrader can be used to provide timely and detailed feedback to students while making grading efficient and enjoyable. 
Schedule for all three workshops:
  • Day 1: Online modules in Canvas course site
  • Day 2: Online modules in Canvas course site
  • Day 3: Meet online via WebEx. Please be sure to complete the online modules in advance
  • Day 4: Finish online modules and engage in final assessment

LATIS Canvas Training and Help

Custom Canvas Presentations
August 20-31, 2018

Schedule a custom Canvas training or presentation for CLA faculty, staff, and graduate assistants. Email cla-tel@umn.edu to schedule a meeting with your group.

Office Hours for Individualized Help
August 20 - September 14, 2018

LATIS will offer open office hours for the two weeks before and after the semester starts. Come to get individualized help with your Canvas sites for fall! Please register in advance.

MWALLT 2018 Fall Conference

Saturday, October 13, 2018
University of Minnesota
Michigan State University
University of Kansas

The Midwest Association for Language Learning Technology (MWALLT) will hold its 2018 conference on October 13, 2018. This conference will be of particular interest to all K-12 and post-secondary language instructors, to individuals affiliated with media centers or language labs, and to individuals interested in any facet of language learning technology.

This year we are experimenting with a new format: both in-person and virtual participation. You can attend the conference at one of the three host sites, a hub near you, or virtually.

Call for Presentation Proposals
Proposals are sought for sessions on topics relating to the teaching of languages and cultures using technology. Deadline September 1, 2018.

Call for Hub Hosting Proposals
While the conference will allow remote attendees to ask questions and participate in discussions, we also want to provide a networking opportunity for those not able to attend at one of the host sites. Deadline August 15, 2018.

Registration will open in the fall.

The conference is sponsored at the University of Minnesota by the Language Center and CARLA.

Fall Semester Reservation Requests Now Entered

The Language Center begins entering general Fall semester reservations this week. To have the best possibility of receiving the rooms, media and equipment you need, please submit your requests as early as possible.

Classrooms may be reserved:

Monday 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

If you require time later than those posted hours, please submit your request in advance.

Here is some additional information about reservation requests:
  • These reservations always require a reservation form.
  • Please submit a form for each class section.
  • Each class is allowed to reserve up to 15 hours in Jones Hall classrooms.
  • Teachers of intensive courses may negotiate their needs.
  • Reservations for equipment and media are unlimited in terms of amount and frequency (within reason).
  • Instructors must intend to use the technology they are reserving.
  • There is a waitlist when the room requested is not available.
  • Please indicate whether you need video recording or web conferencing

Monday, July 23, 2018

Jones Classrooms Renovation: Open House Invitation

Monday, September 10, 2018
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Jones 35

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
10:00 - 12:00 p.m.
Jones 35

The four computer classrooms, Jones 10, 15, 30 and 35, are being renovated this summer, and will reopen for Fall 2018 with new projection systems in all rooms, and new video recording and web conferencing equipment in Jones 35. In the case of Jones 35, a short training and consultation is strongly recommended to help instructors decide how best to accomplish their recording and conferencing goals.

The Language Center is offering two walk-in open houses on September 10 and 12, 2018 to tour the classrooms, experiment with the new technology, and consult with staff on how best to capture interactions in their classes. Please come to the open house that works best for your schedule. You can also email elsie@umn.edu to request an individual or group training or consultation. Coffee will be served.

Jones Classroom Changes Coming for Fall 2018

This summer, all four computer classrooms in Jones are being renovated and will reopen in Fall 2018 with the following improvements:

Jones 35 Video Recording and Web Conferencing:
The updated video recording system will give instructors local control. In place of the old remotely-controlled system, instructors will be able to set up and execute their own recordings. This will make it easier for instructors scheduled in the room to add video recording to their class activities.

New web conferencing equipment will make it easier to include remote participants. Instructors can use the Mac instructor computer or a personal laptop to run their web conferencing program of choice.

Best of all, the video recording and web conferencing systems will be able to use either one of two cameras which are controlled from the instructor podium. One camera will be aimed at the front of the room to capture lectures or presentations. The second will be aimed at the front tables to capture small group discussions.

The video recording system in Jones 30 is not changing, and the recording will still be controlled remotely by Language Center staff.

Although instructors scheduled in Jones 35 will be able to add video recording or web conferencing to their itinerary at the last minute, the Language Center staff still requires that they provide this information at the time of the reservation request to ensure that they are scheduled in a classroom with the appropriate technology. All instructors are invited to an open house to learn more about the changes, and consult on using the technology.

Jones 10, 15, 30 and 35 Classroom Projection Systems:
The projection systems in all four classrooms are being replaced with all new equipment. This is a major upgrade that will require new digital wiring and projection controls. Our current systems were originally installed in 2005 when the Language Center first moved into Jones Hall. As part of the upgrade, the data projectors in Jones 10, 15 and 30 will be replaced with laser projectors; the projector in Jones 35 was replaced just last year.

The new systems will be similar to those found in classrooms managed by the Office of Classroom Management. These improvements should result in brighter images with higher resolution and color accuracy in all four Jones classrooms.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Language Center Undergraduate Positions Open for Fall 2018

Undergraduate Students: If you love languages, consider working in the Language Center next fall. We are now hiring undergraduate Classroom Support Assistants, as well as Administrative and Student Support Assistants. We are looking for students with Fall 2018 work study funding and daytime availability. Please visit the university’s employment site and search for Job IDs 324940 and 324959 to learn more and apply online.

Language instructors: The Language Center is a great employment option for language students. Please pass the word on to your students. We are now hiring undergraduate Classroom Support Assistants, as well as Administrative and Student Support Assistants. We are looking for students with Fall 2018 work study funding and daytime availability. Please visit the university’s employment site and search for Job IDs 324940 and 324959 to learn more and apply online.

Fall Semester Reservation Requests Entered Beginning July 16, 2018

The Language Center will begin entering general Fall semester reservations on Monday, July 16, 2018. You may submit reservation requests before that date, and they will be held until then. To have the best possibility of receiving the rooms, media and equipment you need, please submit by that morning.

Classrooms may be reserved:

Monday 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

If you require time later than those posted hours, please submit your request in advance.

Here is some additional information about reservation requests:
  • These reservations always require a reservation form.
  • Please submit a form for each class section.
  • Each class is allowed to reserve up to 15 hours in Jones Hall classrooms.
  • Teachers of intensive courses may negotiate their needs.
  • Reservations for equipment and media are unlimited in terms of amount and frequency (within reason).
  • Instructors must intend to use the technology they are reserving.
  • There is a waitlist when the room requested is not available.
  • Please indicate whether you need video recording or web conferencing.

Monday, July 9, 2018

University of Minnesota Language Programs: Other Awards, Honors and Kudos

Hossam Elsherbiny, instructor of Arabic in the department of Asian Languages and Literatures, has been certified as an ACTFL OPI Tester. Hossam attended the PACE ACTFL OPI Tester Training Workshop in May 2017, as well as a second ACTFL language-specific workshop organized by the Arabic program the following May, and completed the other steps independently.

Language Center Reservable Small Rooms

The Language Center has five small rooms that instructors and students can reserve for academic purposes:
  • Jones 21: Equipped with a small round table for four and no technology. Recommended for tutoring sessions and small group work. Note: this is the only small room without a waiting area outside the room.
  • Jones 105A: Equipped with a small rectangular table for two, videoconferencing technology and a monitor. Recommended for one-on-one tests and videoconferencing. Note: this is the only small room without a window.
  • Jones 105B: Equipped with a desk for two and no technology. Recommended for one-on-one tests.
  • Jones 110D: Equipped with an oval table for four, videoconferencing technology and a monitor. Recommended for one-on-one tests and videoconferencing
  • Jones 135B: Equipped with a conference table for seven, videoconferencing technology and a large monitor. Recommended for student group work and videoconferencing. Note: reservation priority is given for videoconferencing and student use.