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Monday, June 6, 2011

World Languages Day Welcome Video News

Lindsey Lahr has produced alternate versions of the WLD welcome video at the request of Discover CLA.

A full-length video was re-cut to eliminate references to WLD, so that it could be used to promote language-learning at the U of M in general:

In addition, three short videos were produced that highlight unique language learning opportunities available at the university:

Living and Learning Communities:


Learning Abroad:

You can view the original video here:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

World Languages Day Featured on This Week @Minnesota

World Languages Day (WLD) was featured in the last-week's issue of This Week @Minnesota. The report features great footage of Kenichi Tazawa's class, Origami: The Japanese Art of Paper Folding.

You can view the entire video of This Week @Minnesota video here. The WLD section begins after 40 seconds.

A small correction to the report: there were actually over a thousand students present on the day, but not thousands. However, if you look at the event cumulatively over the years, thousands is correct.

Minnesota Public Radio covered the story as well.